“Ask a Geek Feminist” status

Just a quick note on the Ask a Geek Feminist series, since people are asking. We’re nearly done with the first round: there’s just one more question I want to try and answer myself. The first round was very successful, many thanks to everyone who asked questions and helped out with answers.

Questions aren’t currently open: the series won’t run on a continuous basis because it’s a fair bit of work anonymising and filtering the questions and coordinating answers and such. But it will definitely run again, we’ll be open for questions at the end of May. In the meantime, don’t forget that our latest Open thread is always there for anything you want to discuss.

If there’s anything you’d recommend we add or change for the next round of “Ask a Geek Feminist”, please let me know.

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About Mary

Mary is a women in tech activist, a programmer, a writer, and a sometime computational linguist. She writes at puzzling.org. Her previous projects include co-founding the Ada Initiative and major contributions to the Geek Feminism blog. She's @me_gardiner on Twitter.